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Elastic Extension Spring

Our elastic extension spring is a game-changer for all business and industrial applications. Crafted with precision, it offers unmatched durability, flexibility, and reliability. With its exceptional performance, it ensures optimal tension control, making it the perfect solution for industries seeking reliable and efficient extension mechanisms.

elastic extension spring curl

Combining Latex Elasticity With Spring Technology to Create a Product Like No Other



The elastic extension spring provides innovative versatility in terms of its elasticity and resistance. This spring design is built to support low, moderate and heavy loads while sustaining less wear and zero permanent deformity.


Safety Sleeve

The revolution of elastic technology, our original design of safety sleeve ensures maximum durability, long life of the product, and prevention of further damage to equipment or personnel in the event of a breakage.


End Options

Each spring may have a different need. The possibilities are limitless with our vast array of spring end options, giving you the ultimate variety of choice for how you can tailor your extension spring design to the exact issue at hand in your workspace.


Elastic extension springs with 3X Springs are customized for the exact resistance needed. Several band strength options are available for immediate ordering.

The tension level of the band is gauged using tension force instruments to determine the amount of force needed to extend the spring up to 3-4 times its normal length. This predetermined length defines the spring’s capacity for elastic deformation. The material the spring is constructed with allows it to be extended far more often without becoming inelastic.

In addition, the polypropylene sleeve maintains the durability of the spring by shielding the tubing from any damage it may incur in the industrial space.

elastic extension spring cutaway

Safety Sleeve

At 3X Springs, we pioneered the invention of the safety sleeved polypropylene elastic spring as a way to dually benefit the spring’s performance and reliability as well as its circumstantial safety.

Industrial workspaces can be rugged places, so the sleeve on the spring is a solid barrier of protection against external damage such as abrasion or lesions to the synthetic fiber. It also protects the integrity of the elastic body in outdoor environments where sun or weather can be a threat.

The sleeve also serves as a safeguard against potential dangers if the fiber was to actually break. An unprotected spring breaking results in an uncontrolled outcome that could result in workplace accidents and danger to other equipment or personnel. With the sleeve, a broken spring is a safely-contained circumstance with an easy solution.

Whether to help you put forth your most consistent brand, or to facilitate functional purposes like high or low visibility, we offer several different color choices for the sleeve on your elastic extension spring. The choice is yours.

End Options

With 3X Springs, we know our products can be a perfect fit for a variety of environments in the industrial space. To fulfill that vision, we’ve widened our inventory of customizable spring end pieces to accommodate just about any design type and need.

The pieces seen here are just a few of our most popular choices. We have these options along with about a dozen more available for immediate order and shipping, and many more options are available for custom design by working with our representatives on your best solution.

Should your requirements necessitate a unique end design, our collaborative approach ensures that we collaborate closely with our trusted providers and innovators to create a customized solution that precisely aligns with your preferences.

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elastic extension spring attached to a metal bar


Elastic extension springs find a versatile array of applications within the industrial workspace. From automotive assembly lines to precision electronics manufacturing, these springs offer essential tension and flexibility. They effectively absorb shocks, balance forces, and ensure accurate alignment, enhancing machinery performance and product quality.

In conveyor systems, elastic extension springs facilitate smooth material transport, reducing wear and tear. Their durability and customizable designs make them indispensable in safety mechanisms, ensuring reliable emergency shutdowns.

In essence, elastic extension springs optimize efficiency, reliability, and safety across various industrial sectors, showcasing their indispensable role in modern manufacturing processes.

elastic extension spring holding extension cord in the air v2


Take a look at our resources page for E-guides, white papers, and other reference materials showing the advantages of our springs in various applications and processes.